
Title: The Philippine Population Situation: Are We Hitting the Right Buttons?

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this forum, the participants will be able to:
Describe the Philippine population policies and programs of past and present administrations.
Present relevant demographic data on the current state of Philippine population
Explain the thrusts and directions on Philippine population and their contribution to the projected population scenario up to the year 2100.
Speaker: Dr. Vicente B. Jurlano
Former OIC Director - University of the Philippines Population Institute
Most Outstanding Sillimanian Awardee for Applied Population Dynamics and Development (2020)

Date & Time: September 22, 2023, 2:30 pm (Phil Time)
Modality: Synchronous Online
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/PhilPopRight   

A Love Gift of Php 500.00 (10 USD) for the Center’s Trust Fund would be appreciated. For online banking transactions,
D͟o͟l͟l͟a͟r͟ Account: BPI Perdices (Swift Code: BOPIPHMM) = 1084-0273-47
E͟u͟r͟o Account: BPI Perdices = 1084-0755-89
F͟o͟r Peso Account: check the list of banks at https://su.edu.ph/costs/payment
GCash Transfer: BDO Campus 00804-00000-63
GCash Mobile: (Name: Russel Rhay Basiao (Office Secretary), No: +639772720667)

Upload proof of transactions by emailing us at global@su.edu.ph, and we will send you the official receipt and Zoom link. For more information, go to https://su.edu.ph/global-studies-center.